Brodick Community


Worship Centre

St Bride’s Church Building

St. Bride's Church was built by the United Free Church in 1910 at a cost of £1914 : 10 : 4d, and amalgamated with the Established Church of Scotland in 1929. The architects were Messrs. D. & J.R. McMillan of Aberdeen.

It is a pleasant red sandstone building occupying a site adjacent to the Cloy Burn on the Knowe Road near to the main A841 road at the Cloy Burn bridge, traditionally known as ' The Doctor's Bridge'.

It has an impressive square tower approx. 53ft high housing a single cast bell which is rung regularly for 5 minutes before morning service on Sundays.

The present layout of the interior of the Church was created in a refurbishment project in 1959, the Pulpit being moved from the centre to its present position on the left hand side, with the Communion Table in the centre and the Bible Lectern on the right.

The two stained glass windows left and right of the Apse were installed in memory of Bethia Torrance who died in April 1958.