
Secure future for ‘Isle of Arran’ Parish Church of Scotland


Following a long process of readjustment, the Isle of Arran congregation is now established and beginning to work consistently and steadily on its priorities of regular worship, mission and outreach. Informal events such as Messy Church, Warm Rooms, discussion groups, coffee mornings, concerts and fayres make connections with our local communities and the food bank based in Brodick church (organised by Arran Churches Together) supports the local community. For outlying communities, the house-bound and elderly members we currently offer a recording of a service every fortnight and we are progressing ‘livestreaming’ facilities. Our new website will be up and running shortly.

There is much work to do in rationalising the buildings portfolio and upgrading the four centres of worship – Brodick, Lochranza, Shiskine and Whiting Bay. The parish is retaining Lamlash church hall, at present, to serve community needs and to enable existing organisations to continue meeting.

The exciting news is that the parish has been given the go ahead to appoint a full-time Minister and a Ministry Development Staff worker. The congregation has elected a nominating committee to search for a suitable candidate and a parish profile is in place.

The Church of Scotland members are enthusiastic about the prospect of a new era in the life of the congregation and invite
our ecumenical partners to pray for us as we discern God’s path for our witness together in Christ’s name.